Code of Conduct


The Board of Education believes that the conduct of students should at all times contribute to a safe and positive learning environment. Each student is expected to respect the rights and property of others, and to adhere to Board and school regulations and rules. Each student must meet the expectations set out in the B.C. Human Rights Codes. There must be no discrimination or an intention to discriminate against a person or a group or class of persons because of the race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age. Consequences for misbehaviour must be applied in a reasonable, firm and judicious manner and shall not include corporal punishment. These consequences should be designed to teach students to be responsible citizens in the school community and to promote personal and social development. The Board will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation by a person against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of a Code of Conduct.


The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to:

  1. Direct the student toward responsible behaviour;
  2. Maintain an orderly, positive school community conducive to learning; and
  3. Protect persons and property.

Scope of This Code of Conduct

Except where a rule is expressly limited to time and place, this Code of Conduct applies to students of the District who are involved in:

  1. Any activity on school premises whether during a regular school day, outside the regular school day, or on a day that is not a school day;
  2. Travel on a school bus or other transportation contracted or arranged by the Board or School;
  3. Any activity sponsored by, organized by, or participated in by the school regardless of time or place;
  4. Any activity that affects the rights or properties of neighbouring residences or businesses.



Students shall comply with the School Rules authorized by the Principal and with the code of conduct and other rules and policies of the Board.



A principal of a school shall, in accordance with this Code of Conduct and other policies of the Board, exercise paramount authority within the school in matters concerning the discipline of students.

Discipline may include the suspension of a student from attending school where in the opinion of the Principal (or designate), such action is warranted and provided that an alternate educational program is made available to the student.


Special Needs Student - Suspension

When students with identified special needs require intervention regarding their conduct the principal will ensure that such students have been adequately assessed, that appropriate interventions are applied before suspension is considered, that the grounds for suspension are clear and appropriate, that meaningful education programs or interventions are offered during the period of suspension and that planning is undertaken for successful re-entry.


Suspension of Five Days or Less

A Principal of a school may, and is hereby authorized to, suspend a student from the school for a period not exceeding five consecutive school days. Parental contact will be established by telephone and/or by personal interview prior to a student leaving the school on suspension.


Suspensions of More Than Five Days

A Principal of a school may and is hereby authorized to suspend a student from the school for a period exceeding five school days pending a hearing by the Student Conduct Review Committee. In such a situation, the Principal should notify the Assistant Superintendent so that a meeting can be convened, when possible within five days of suspension. The Student Conduct Review Committee may require that the student, or the student and the parents or guardians, be present at a meeting of the Committee prior to a decision on the matter. The Student Conduct Review Committee is authorized to suspend students for a period exceeding five days or to withdraw the student from attendance at a school if the student is beyond the age of 16.



A student or parent of a student may appeal a decision of a principal, or a decision of the Student Conduct Review committee, according to the School District #6 Appeals (Bylaw II).​